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How to do Kegel Exercises The Right Way

How to do Kegels Exercises The Right Way


Kegels Exercises are a great way to tone the pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor helps with bladder issues and sexual health, but there are several common mistakes that people make when doing Kegels. Here’s everything you need to know about doing Kegels properly!

How to do Kegel exercises

The Kegel Exercises are a great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles that support your bladder, vagina and urethra.

The exercise is simple and easy to do:

  • Squeeze the muscles you would use if you were trying to stop urinating in mid-stream (or during sex). Hold for five seconds. Then relax for five seconds before repeating 10 times altogether; then rest for at least one minute before doing another set of 10 repetitions.
  • Do three sets each day – but no more than three!
What muscles to engage for Kegels

What muscles to engage

When you do kegel exercises, make sure that you’re only engaging your pelvic floor muscles and not any other muscles. This means that you shouldn’t be squeezing your abs, thighs or butt while repeating the exercise.

The main purpose of the Kegel is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which support the bladder, uterus and rectum. You should also be aware that it’s possible for women to have a stronger or weaker pelvic floor than men because they don’t have as much muscle mass in their bodies overall compared with males.

If you notice increased back pain after doing these Kegel exercises over time then this could mean that it’s too much for your body at this point so check with a doctor first before continuing on with them if this happens!

What not to do

  • Don’t wear tight pants. You don’t want to put yourself in danger of developing a urinary tract infection, and it’s not good for your muscles either.
  • Don’t do Kegels while driving. While it is true that they can help you hold on to your urine, they are not designed to be used while you’re operating heavy machinery or driving a car. The last thing we need is another bladder-related accident on the road!
  • Don’t do Kegel exercises if you have a pelvic injury. If you have any kind of pelvic injury or other medical condition which affects your pelvic floor muscles (such as incontinence or prolapse), please consult with your doctor before attempting these exercises—and definitely stop if anything feels painful in any way whatsoever!

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How often to do them

Kegels are a great exercise to do in addition to your regular workout routine, but they can also be an effective way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles on their own. You should aim for three sets of ten repetitions per day—that’s 300 kegels a week! However, even if you only make it once or twice a week, it will still make a difference in the strength and tone of your pelvic floor muscles.

Kegels are an easy exercise that you can do almost anywhere: while sitting at your desk at work; while watching TV; before or after sex; before bedtime; when waiting in line at the grocery store…the list goes on and on!

How Often to do Kegels exercise

Kegels are a great way to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen the pelvic floor. They can be done anywhere, anytime, and you don’t even have to change clothes!

To do Kegel exercises correctly:

  • Tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you were trying to stop yourself from passing gas (but don’t actually try this). The muscles you should engage are those that exist between your pubic bone and tailbone that feel like an elevator within your body.
  • Find these muscles by just thinking about stopping yourself from passing gas or making sure that no one hears any noise when you push out a bowel movement. When done correctly it will look like someone is giving birth but without all of the blood and pain involved in childbirth (although sometimes there is blood in childbirth).
  • You may also see lightning bolts shoot through the sky behind closed eyes if not done properly as well! If not then keep trying until it feels like someone is giving birth without all of the blood or pain associated with childbirth (which does sometimes involve blood).
  • Do not hold onto anything for support during these exercises because this will result in decreased effectiveness for strengthening one’s pelvic floor muscles by 50%.


Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen the pelvic floor, and they can also help improve bladder control. With regular practice, you can strengthen your Kegel muscles and enjoy better sex as well as better bladder control.